THE URBAN CLINIC | הקליניקה האורבנית | عيادة التخطيط الحضَري

The Urban Clinic at Hebrew University is an academic body that works to strengthen creative and socially aware urban leadership in Israel.  The Urban Clinic provides state of the art knowledge about what works in housing, urban regeneration and community planning, to ensure that the current and next generation of urban practitioners are equipped with effective tools and skills, to make our cities truly remarkable places for all. Founded in 2013, the Urban Clinic is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Hebrew University, and linked to the Institute of Urban and Regional Studies.  


Urban Clinic Activities


The Urban Clinic strives to bridge the gap between academia and practice. Through courses, tours, publications and policy papers, network building, and partnership projects, we seek new forms of developing local knowledge that successfully combines on the ground practice and the latest global advancements in social urbanism research and policy.


The results of our work

  • Students adapt international knowledge and good practices to challenging local situations, gaining professional experience and advancing methods and theory.
  • Urban leaders, in Jerusalem and nationally, acquire powerful new knowledge and and effective approaches to more equitable cities.
  • The Faculty of Social Sciences at Hebrew University attracts and supports outstanding scholars committed to research for liveable and loveable cities.
  • The Urban Clinic is an R&D hub for innovative urban policies and practices in Jerusalem, nationally and internationally.