spatial justice and cities

This reading course examines spatial justice practices and policies, drawn primarily from cities in the Global South.

The course draws an interesting mix of students: those from "GLOCAL - International Community Development Studies" who are interested in cities, and those from Urban Planning who are interested in the Global South, making for rich classroom discussion.

Learning is based on weekly reading assignments in English, three short writing assignments, and in-depth classroom discussion of these writing assignments as well as classroom lectures. Student teams investigate good practice case studies of urban spatial justice. In 2018-2019, we will explore the potential for adaptation of these practices in East Jerusalem, and to that end, students are invited to participate in "walk-shops' organized by the Urban Clinic.

Topics include: spatial planning as a tool for reducing poverty and social inclusion and in particular transport, housing and public spaces; gender and age aspects of spatial justice; and citizen engagement in city design.

Tuesdays between 14:30 - 16:15

Teaching Staff: 
Dr. Emily Silverman

For more details please click the link for the Moodle below



1st semester