Devora Fried

Devora Fried


Dvorah Fried joined the Clinic in early 2017 as a consultant in the Urban95 network project on early childhood studies. Dvora also works as a lecturer for The Schwartz M.A. Program on Early Childhood Learning and Studies at Hebrew Univerity’s Social Work Department, is an academic supervisor for M.A. students focusing on early childhood, and is active in various other programs she runs. In previous roles, she coordinated a committee of experts who worked on behalf is the Isreal Academy of Sciences and Humanities to examine family ties and their connection to a child’s development and success within the education system. Between 2010-2013 Dvroa also coordinated the early childhood and welfare work led by the Rashi Foundations. She also established and managed the early childhood work conducted by Ashalaim and the JDC between 2001 and 2006.

Dvora’s contact information: