Clinic’s Scholars

Razan Abu Dalu

Razan Abu Dalu

Razan Abudalu is a Palestinian architect based on Jerusalem.

Mohamed Abu Leil

Mohamed Abu Leil

Muhammad Abu Lail graduated with a bachelor’s degree in education and holds a master’s degree in public policy from the University of Haifa. Graduate of the Pioneer Program for Local Authorities. Specialized in the field of local government and public work.
Sahar Amoun

Sahar Amoun


Sahar recently changed jobs as a result of her studies, from work as a community engagement advisor with the private sector firm "PPL" to program manager with El Bayader.

Fadi Awidah

Fadi Awidah


Fadi Aweidah, from East Jerusalem, holds a degree in Special Education and serves as the deputy Director at the Beit Hanina Community Council. The Association for Community Centers nominated Fadi for their intensive leadership-training course.

Rema Eghbaria Khashev

Rema Eghbaria Khashev


bachelor's degree in Geography and Environmental Studies from the University of Haifa, and works for a local council for urban planning and building as a plan examiner.

yasmin  fahoum

yasmin fahoum


Yasmin is an architect who received her BA in architecture from the Technion. She is currently pursuing an MA in Urban and Regional Planning at Hebrew University.

Hani Gheith

Hani Gheith


Hani, born in Jerusalem in 1980, is a dedicated community leader with a Bachelor's degree in Education and Society.

Mina Hashemeh

Mina Hashemeh


Mina Hashima holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Media and a Master's degree in Business Administration and Strategic Planning.

Myssana  Morany

Myssana Morany

She advocates for Human Rights. Morany received her LL.B (with excellence) and LL.M from Haifa University and nowadays studying for M.A in Urban Planning at the Hebrew University.

Shada Najjar

Shada Najjar


Shada Najjar is a lawyer at Agmon & Tulchinsky, specializing in real estate and urban renewal. She guides developers on urban renewal.