Architect and urban planner, with a bachelor's degree in architecture from Bir Zeit University - and a master's degree in urban planning from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem Experience in the fields of Urban Planning and construction works, including preparation and escorting for several projects in East Jerusalem, including interventions in interior design and architectural preservation works for some of the projects in the historical areas of Jerusalem. Currently works at the Jerusalem Transpiration Systems company in Jerusalem "JTS" as a professional consultant for infrastructure planning and public transportation in East Jerusalem. In addition, as a licensed accessibility consultant in all the fields related to buildings construction and infrastructure. Including aspects of transportation in general and public transportation in particular. Interested and active in community planning for promotion of a number of small and large projects in the southern neighborhoods of the Old City of Jerusalem - the neighborhoods of Al-Thuri, Silwan and Ras Al-Amud.
Contact details: arch.ziadhaddad@gmail.com