Scholarships and Scholarship Recipients

Urban planning is an important tool for promoting social justice and fair resource distribution. As professionals, planners can be tasked with mapping, developing public spaces, planning private and public transportation, determining residential density, and improving access to sources of education and employment, to name a few. Specifically in Jerusalem, there is demand for planners, but a shortage of experts from Arab-Palestinian backgrounds who can play a significant role in promoting plans. The Institute for Urban and Regional Studies seeks to invite stellar Arab-Palestinian students to join the program. As part of their full-tuition scholarship, students are expected to participate in the Urban Clinic’s activities, including staff meetings, conferences, field trips and projects, which amount to 10 hours per month. There are also opportunities for additional grants. In addition, any student who wishes to participate in activities with the Arab Center for Alternative Planning, including activities outside of Jerusalem, will be able to do so.

  • Arab/Palestinian students interested in urban planning.

  • Undergraduates with a final average of B.A. equal or greater to 82

  • The scholarship is contingent upon maintaining a minimum average score of 85 every semester in order to continue receiving the scholarship tuition

  • Students interested in starting or have already begun their studies with a specialization in Urban Planning at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

  • Preference will be given to students who choose to combine their Urban Studies with Geography or students who combine their internship with Public Policy, Law, Glocal, Economics, or Social Work studies. 

  • Preference will be given to students granted an exemption from Hebrew and English studies. 

  • Preference will be given to students who combine their Urban Studies with Geography or their internship with Public Policy, Law, Glocal, Economics, or Social Work studies. 

  • Based on conditions set by donors, priority will be given to the residents of Jerusalem.


 Scholarship Call for Palestinian/Arab students of Urban Planning master's degree in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem - 2023-2024



Scholarship Call for Palestinian/ Arab Bedouin of the Naqab at Urban Planning master's degree for Ben Gurion University - 2023-2024

Selection Committee 

The Urban Clinic’s Scholars - Past and Present

Halima Sheikh Ali

Halima Sheikh Ali
Sheikh Ali

Halima is an Urban Planner who recived her BA from An Najah Nationa University at 2021. She started her career in public sector, currently she is responsible about public transportation at Ara Arara Local Council, she deals with developing the public transportation in the villages due to connectiong the people with the local council and the ministry of transportation. Halima is studying M.A in Urban and regional Planning at the Hebrew University, she belives that the planning is the core of the development in our society, the lack of Arab professionals in the field created a gap in the planning, the key tool to find the solution is to learn how to plan our communities with people who live every day in this community.






Rahman Saada

Rahman Saada


Rahman holds a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering with a focus on Transportation Engineering and a Building Engineering Technician certificate in Construction Management.

He works as a Traffic Planner at a prominent private sector firm, where he designs traffic solutions for urban renewal projects.

In this role, Rahman has honed skills in teamwork, project management, problem-solving, and communication under pressure. He is also proficient with relevant technological tools and

Rahman is a karate instructor and certified judge in the martial arts community.







Fadi Awidah

Fadi Awidah


Fadi Aweidah, from East Jerusalem, holds a degree in Special Education and serves as the deputy Director at the Beit Hanina Community Council. The Association for Community Centers nominated Fadi for their intensive leadership-training course.

Fadi’s work involves educational initiatives, needs assessments and community campaigns.






Ahmad Masri

Ahmad Masri


Ahmad Al-Masri, born in Jerusalem, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from An-Najah University and
became a licensed attorney in January 2023. He currently works ata civil law firm on topics including, enforcement, insolvency, planning and construction, and social security benefits. He is actively involved in addressing home demolition issues in Jabal Mukaber and has experience lecturing on legal ethics.

Ahmad participated in an intensive Jerusalem leadership program at the Van Leer Institute. He brings knowledge about Jordanian and Ottoman land law, sorely lacking in the Israeli legal curriculum.





Hind Khatib

Hind Khatib

Hind has a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in political science from Haifa University. She is a graduate of the Cadets Leadership Program for local government ,specializing in the field of local government. Hind worked as an assistant to the mayor of Sakhnin. Today, she works in the Shefa-Amr municipality as a strategic developer and project manager. Hind is active in various social and political struggles.





Dina Abu Khalaf

Dina Abu Khalaf
Abu Khalaf

Dina completed her bachelor's in Middle Eastern Studies and History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has recently joined the urban clinic and begun pursuing her MA in urban planning. Her main areas of interest are environmental planning, urban development in Jerusalem, and exploring the relationship between the city's reality and its image in its inhabitant's eyes.





Fatina Husseini

Fatina Husseini


Fatina has a B.A. degree in Sociology, Anthropology, and Education. Today, Fatina works at the Urban Clinic as a Program Associate Intern. Previously, she worked in the field of education and in improving the conditions and the services provided in nurseries for children from birth to the age of three, through raising awareness about cognitive and spatial issues. Fatina is interested in social issues specific to Palestinian society and mainly related to Palestinian women.






Nour Dassouky

Nour Dassouky

Nour comes from the world of social entrepreneurship where she founded and managed two projects in the field of education. The first was a storytelling venture to revive the culture The venture equips people from the community to tell unique stories from the culture to the community. And the second among at-risk teens using street stunts. Nour, born in Jaffa, holds a bachelor's degree in government and society and a master's degree in family studies and is a graduate of the Incubator Program for Social Business Entrepreneurship at the Tel Aviv Academy.





Mina Hashemeh

Mina Hashemeh


Mina Hashima holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Media and a Master's degree in Business Administration and Strategic Planning.

She has tremendous energies and passion for social change. She has worked as a project coordinator and manager in East Jerusalem, collaborating with various organizations, and led an employment in Jerusalem teaching Hebrew to women.

Mina was conditionally accepted to the MA in 2023, and has spent the last year improving her Hebrew, volunteering with the Urban Clinic, and succesfully passing her prequisite courses









Scholarship program for Arab students in environmental studies