Mina Hashemeh
Mina Hashima holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Media and a Master's degree in Business Administration and Strategic Planning.
Dr. Noga Keidar
Dr. Noga Keidar is a post-doctoral fellow of the Azrieli Foundation in the Department of Sociology and the Urban Clinic. At the Clinic, she leads the research department, which was recently awarded a four-year research and training grant in partnership with the University of Toronto. She also leads the Clinic's writing team, which covers spatial phenomena from a social perspective.
Her field of research is at the interface between urban sociology, political sociology, and the sociology of ideas. She completed her doctoral studies in the University of Toronto’s Department of Sociology as a Connaught Scholar and is a research fellow in the "Urban Genome Project" at the School of Cities and the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance, also at the University of Toronto. In her doctoral thesis and follow-up studies, Nega explores how complex organizations, such as cities, adopt new ideas. She deals with these questions from different angles, and examines, among other things, how ideas change over time and under the influence of the city that adopts them. How do certain ideas become relevant even in completely different urban contexts? How did a small group of charismatic experts establish their position as urban 'gurus,' and what are those gurus actually doing to connect cities and ideas? In examining these questions, Nega uses a variety of qualitative and quantitative research methods.
In addition, Nega teaches urban sociology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology.
You can read more about Noga's work here:
Tharaa Kirresh
Palestinian Jerusalemite has a bachelor's in architectural engineering from Al-Najah University in Nablus and is currently completing her master’s degree in urban planning at Hebrew University And writing a thesis on Placemaking in the context of conflict.
Tharaa Kirresh
Tharaa Kirresh has a bachelor's in architectural engineering from Al-Najah University in Nablus and is currently completing her master’s degree in urban planning at Hebrew University And writing a thesis on Placemaking in context of conflict.
Tharaa and her family lived and moved between the Palestinian neighborhoods surrounding the Mount Scopus campus in East Jerusalem. Like any Palestinian student from East Jerusalem, acceptance to and studies at Hebrew University seemed challenging and almost impossible.
Tharaa was involved in various projects at the Urban Clinic, including the East Jerusalem Planners’ Platform, Early Childhood Placemaking in Umm al-Fahm, and co-teaching, a course that aims to introduce Arab and Jewish students to each other through placemaking. In addition to this, Tharaa is a partner at the Committee for Placemaking Projects in northern Arab localities with the Arab Center for Alternative Planning and the Urban Clinic. She also led various placemaking projects in several neighborhoods in East Jerusalem as part of the Sustainability Activists program. She was a partner in the Jerusalem team for Policy and Field research.
Today she is the manager of the scholarship program for Arab/Palestinian students at the urban clinic of Hebew University.
Contact details:, Linkedin profile
مقدسية تحمل شهادة البكالوريوس في الهندسة المعمارية من جامعة النجاح نابلس، تكمل تعليمها العالي بدرجة الماجستير في تخطيط المدن في الجامعة العبرية وتكتب أطروحة حول صناعة المكان
تنقلت وعائلتها بين الأحياء العربية المحيطة بالحرم الجامعي، وكأي مقدسية فإن الدخول والتعليم في الحرم الجامعي الإسرائيلي يعتبر تحديًا صعبًا ويكاد أن يكون مستحيلا! وكان دخول هذه الجامعة من الأحلام بعيدة المنال.
انضمت إلى العيادة الحضرية في مشروع منصة المخططين في شرقي القدس، وكذلك صناعة المكان وملاءمتها للطفولة المبكرة في أم الفحم، وكدلك في صياغة وانشاء مساق جامعي يعمل على لقاء بين الطلاب اليهود والعرب من خلال التعلم والعمل في صناعة المكان. وقادت عدة مشاريع صناعة مكان وتخطيط مجتمعي في عدة أحياء في شرقي القدس بالتعاون مع بلدية القدس. وكذلك أيضا فهي جزء من لجنة استشارية لمشروع صناعة المكان في أربع مدن وبلدات في الداخل مع المركز العربي للتخطيط البديل والعيادة الحضرية.
- جزء من الطاقم المقدسي لرسم السياسات والأبحاث الميدانية
- مديرة برنامج المنح في العيادة الحضرية للجامعة العبرية وهو برنامج منح لدراسة ماجيستير في التخطيط الحضري للطلاب العرب في الجامعة العبرية وجامعة بن غوريون، بما يرافقه من برنامج إثرائي من المهارات الحياتية والمهنية، وبناء شبكة مخططين فلسطينيين وتوفير التدريبات الملائمة., Linkedin profile
Myssana Morany
She advocates for Human Rights. Morany received her LL.B (with excellence) and LL.M from Haifa University and nowadays studying for M.A in Urban Planning at the Hebrew University.
Shada Najjar
Shada Najjar is a lawyer at Agmon & Tulchinsky, specializing in real estate and urban renewal. She guides developers on urban renewal.